Turkey – Backstabbers

12:53 GMT

Turkey backstabbed Russia by downing the Russian warplane and acted as accomplices of the terrorists, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

The plane was hit by a Turkish warplane as it was travelling 1 km away from the Turkish border, Putin said. The plane posed no threat to Turkish national security, he stressed.

Putin said the plane was targeting terrorist targets in the Latakia province of Syria, many of whom came from Russia.

Russia noticed of the flow of oil from Syrian territory under the control of terrorists to Turkey, Putin said.

Apparently, IS now not only receives revenue from the smuggling of oil, but also has the protection of a nation’s military, Putin said. This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world, he added.

The incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey, Putin warned.

The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead is worrisome, Putin said. It appears that Turkey want NATO to serve the interests of IS, he added.

Putin said Russia respects the regional interests of other nations, but warned the atrocity committed by Turkey would not go without an answer.

Putin was speaking at a meeting with King of Jordan Abdullah II in Sochi, who expressed his condolences to the Russian leader over the loss of a Russian pilot in Tuesday’s incident, as well as the deaths of Russians in the Islamic State bombing of a passenger plane in Egypt.



Please note that the Turkish F16 are US supplied on the condition that they are not used in combat without the express permission of the US Government.

For the Turkish government to have two F16 jets in that area, at that time (plus two news crews in the area) is due to the joint Russian / US intelligence exchange.

The aircraft was not a threat to Turkey.

If you are of the opinion that Russia should not have infringed Turkish airspace – they did not. Mind you in Turkey has invaded Greece’s airspace with militia jets in excess of 2,200 times in the past 12 months.

Go figure that out – and one must certainly question Obama and Erdogan’s motives  – in light of certain European countries denouncing Turkey’s actions.

Me thinks some people should wake up.


And the Oscar goes to….

The Oscar for Obfuscating Stupidity goes to……..


“It is sometimes the height of wisdom to feign stupidity.”
Cato the Elder

For readers – the term Obfuscating Stupidity – is sometimes known as “playing dumb”, a tactic whose effectiveness is predicated on characters convincing others they are complete oafs and therefore harmless.

Acting like ignorantly misinformed

The opposite of is a stupid character who pretends (or tries to pretend) that he or she is really smart or otherwise good at something.
The stupid characters will either enlist a smart character to feed them lines, or bluff their way through with seemingly profound statements.

The latter tend to show up in characters that are so dumb, they don’t even realize that Dumb Is Good.

Well – first of all the nominations for the are

* Donald Trump – Gentlemen Snarker

2012 Miss Universe Pageant
Donald Trump – The Ugly American


Image courtesy of thelastofthemilleniums

* Ralph Nader – Rich idiot with no day job.


Image courtesy of Resist.com

* Janet Yellen – Seemingly profound fool.



Image courtesy of Getty Images.

Now ladies and gentlemen the nominees reasons for surpassing all others to reach this pinnacle of absurdity.

Donald Trump – on Yellen he states “that keeping these interest rates at this level … this is a political thing. When they get raised, perhaps with the next president, you’re going to see some bad things happen.” (1)

Mr. Trump said this in an interview with Bloomberg TV. Political and point scoring as interest rates have been at low levels for nearly a decade and he himself has taken advantage of the situation.

Bad things have happened and he cannot see the wood for the trees. His only interest is personal in that should he become President …”they are trying to put the recession, which could be a beauty, into the next administration, and that’s not fair.”

For whom Donald?

Ralph Nader – on Yellen states “Tediously over dramatic decision”…on interest rates ….You ..”lecture us about the Fed not being “political.” When you are the captives of the financial industry, led by the too-big-to-fail banks, you are generically “

“We are tired of this melodrama that exploits so many people who used to rely on interest income to pay some of their essential bills. Think about the elderly among us who need to supplement their social security checks every month.”(1)

It should be noted that Ralph Nader has taken advantage of the low interest rates too – but he himself, is a wordsmith who misses the point and lays the blame at the too big to fail banks. This after the horse bolted – it was the Quantitative Easing that directly assisted the too big to fail.

If one looks at these “too big to fail banks” the low interest rate regime is not assisting their profitability.

It must be mentioned at this juncture – to which he is fully aware – is that the G20 have agreed to the simple fact that ‘no government shall bail out any Bank(s)’…now verboten!

Yes in Germany – security a tad tight – so permissible to use German words.

Janet Yellen – on Yellen and the Fed “Let me close by assuring you that, as directed by the Congress, we focus squarely on policies that improve the lives of all Americans by fostering maximum employment and stable prices. That is the surest contribution we can make to promote the welfare of savers or any other group in society.” (2)

Well which fool ignores the obvious, the actual situation is that low interest rates have a profound effect on all savers, retirees, pension and superannuation funds.

All savers globally – not only in America – as the butterfly effect on the introduction of low interest rates and Quantitative Easing created a global debt tsunami – whereby every country entered into a race to the bottom.

The Fed Reserve through incompetence and ignorance of history did nothing to address global debt – just made matters worse with countries and companies seeking to refinance on lower rates and borrowing more.

Japan has been doing this for in excess of 25 years and they are still in recession – like hello – Yellen knew this when the policies were introduced and allowed the reduction in rates and thereafter continued with the practice.

Her last argument in September was that low interest rates (from a ‘selected’ Fed report) did not adversely affect any financial class.


Chart courtesy of Bloomberg.

Bollocks Yellen – Bollocks – proof you are a profound fool.
This lady is losing all credibility, Trump is a political twit and so therefore



the Oscar for Obfuscating Stupidity goes to Ralph Nader.

About time you got a job Ralph – your bond investments are not bringing in the income to sustain your lifestyle.

1. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/16/donald-trump-janet-yellen-keeping-interest-rates-l/

2. https://blog.nader.org/2015/10/30/an-open-letter-to-chairwoman-yellen-from-the-savers-of-america/

3. http://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/290897254/Yellen

Recommended Reading on this Blog


All Governments and Western Media rotten to the Core

Nothing is making sense anymore.

Words fail me over Sinai – obfuscation is the name of the game.

Angered and wondering whether the truth – the full truth will be revealed.


Pearls of wisdom restarted – mourning has turned to anger.

Edit: 24th November 2015

A long read – do so at your own peril, as it is not a pretty picture – in fact it may well lead to another world war.

Russian disaster over Sinai …….. ISIL – US – Egypt – UK – Qatar – Jordan.

Reading news and major blogs on the situation in Sinai causes me concern – especially in light of the fact that the US was only too happy to release satellite data confirming a ‘flash’ and no contrails – and then advising that a bomb had brought down the aircraft.

Like hello……where was this information after the MH17 plane crash?

Why did Obama rely on social media with the MH17 disaster – yet was quick to draw on military intelligence with the Russian disaster over the Sinai?

The Russians to their credit – made no assumptions until all the bodies and evidence was removed from the Sinai site.

Those sovereign states responsible will now be a target of Russia, as to the perpetrators of this act – the latter however can be removed without anyone knowing.

A $50 million reward has been offered for information by the Russian Government – offer a carrot and then you can eat the cake.

Today another Russian plane brought down – a SU24 flying in Syrian territory (2 to 6km within the Syrian border with Turkey).

Turkey claiming responsibility – stating that warnings were issued as the plane was in Turkish airspace.

Well – remains to be seen – the Russians have satellites above this area and the pilots were well aware of the demarcation lines on their communications equipment.

Obfuscation from Obama and Erdogan the key.

Bear in mind the following:-

1. US planes are based in Syria and have been there for the past 12 months – staging illegal attacks on Syria – yes illegal – never invited by President Assad – the head of the sovereign state of Syria and definitely not condoned by the United Nations.

2. The purpose of the US air strikes in Syria were to destroy infrastructure – in particular Aleppo. Destroying the water supply and sewerage processing works and the electrical generation plant.

3. The US has been engaged in fighting a proxy war against the Assad regime – training and supplying moderate terrorists at a significant cost. This has led to these ‘moderate’ terrorists joining ISIL. Yes stupid – the US undertook a similar venture in Afghanistan which led to the rise of one Osama Bin Laden. . . . Blowback though is a bitch.

4. Turkey has been receiving and processing oil – ISIL oil shipped via tankers from Syrian oilfields through the main highway via Aleppo to Turkey.

5. Turkey has been attempting to ‘annihilate’ the Kurds for the past ten years – just so happens the Kurds are assisting Syrian troops in fighting ISIL – they together with Hezbollah (Lebanon) and Hamas (Palestine) and the Iranian National guard (Iran) all invited by Assad.

6. Turkey has supplied ISIL with weapons sourced via the Ukrainian government.

Messy is it not – US Foreign Policy – the Wolfowitz Doctrine adopted by the US Government some 20 years ago – and now a tangled web of Islamic religious factions in the Middle East fighting each other.

On one side with the tacit support of the House of Saud, Israel and the US – on the other Syria, Russia, Iran, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq.

And yes please note that we have the ‘moderate’ terrorists being treated in Israeli hospitals and an Israeli officer being caught by the Iraqi’s assisting ISIL.

Israel has illegally held onto Syrian lands in the Golan Heights (and yes – the land has oil reserves so desperately needed by Israel).

A Prince from the House of Saud being arrested and detained in Beirut with a plane load of drugs – 3 tons of happy pills destined for ISIL. Then after the arrest – before the Paris attack – a terrorist attack in Beirut that claimed many lives but ignored by the world media. Blowback.

The House of Saud well known for funding terrorism – and also supporting Qatar in its bid to have a gas pipeline routed through Syria to Europe.

It was the House of Saud that engineered the original story on the Syrian army using a toxic gas against the rebels – assisted by the US and garnered support from France and England.

Then it was Russia that supplied the ‘evidence’ to the United Nations that Assad and Syrian forces were not involved. It was the US congress that defeated Obama, as too the House of Lords and the UK parliament that defeated Cameron – these elected bodies did not want a repeat of the Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction fiasco – lessons well learnt.

France however – via Hollande was intent on taking military action in Syria – but was thwarted by the simple fact – he would have acted alone.

NATO could not intervene – as they had done in ousting Ghadafi in Lybia.

Syria is a central point – as Israel wants the oil – Qatar wants the gas pipeline.

Russia has a gas pipeline through Turkey and Syria – plus a naval base in Syria on the Mediterranean Sea.

Economic and military interests come to the fore.

This is not about terrorism – ultimately about money – but much much more.

It is also about politics – the power of politics – in an unsavory economic environment – which will cause social unrest politicians will always look to external factors to distract the constituents – to distract the hordes from the economic ills that befall a country.

Paris was a disaster – well planned and well executed – it is a pity that there are too many questions raised after the event and again obfuscation is the key.

– all major emergency services undertaking a drill in the morning

– false passport at the scene

– all reports that the ringleader was in Syria

– France now bombs Syria in retaliation – teaming up with Russia

Hollande wanted a war – he could not act alone against Assad in Syria – now he wages war against ISIL – which he is entitled to do without NATO nor UN approval after the Paris attack.

The problem though is the war against ISIL is in concert with Syria and Russia.

Russia – not liked by all Western parties and partners – yet here we have a NATO partner forming an alliance with everyone’s enemy – Russia.

Truth is stranger than fiction – strange bedfellows indeed and the US military industrial complex, together with Richard Kagan and Victoria Nuland are spinning mischief in congress blaming all and sundry (including the refugee problem in Europe) on Russia.

Woe be that fool that tries to poke a bear with a stick – at this point in time.

Please note that all the above information can be sourced from the web from reputable sources, NYT, Bloomberg, Independent UK, Free Syrian Press and of course RT and Sputnik. Ron Paul Peace and Prosperity website is a valuable resource tool.